Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coming May 2012...

I've been thinking a lot recently. Two years ago in May 2010 was the five year anniversary of the comic series, but I was not making comics at that point, not starting back up until August of that year. Last May, I was busy working on pre-production for the film, and didn't make any new ones that year. Now, since May is just around the corner and it will be the seventh year anniversary, I've decided to bring out the big guns. I'm delving into the unknown history of Sam's past and how he met all his friends. I'm gonna be making a promo picture tonight and I'll put it up tomorrow. This is gonna be interesting... (:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Season 4: What to expect

Season 4 so far is turning out to be a unique season. So far, I've added five new regular characters and a great number of secondary characters who will appear from time to time, and I have also expanded the universe of the comics. Before, they were mostly limited to just Sam and his friends talking and less about situational jokes. This season has added locations to the mix, including Lakeville High School, the city of Hillsberg, the Cool Beans Cafe/Ice Cream Parlor, and many more. Also included is the new idea of student clubs and politics, starting with the formation of a drama club and the importance of the Student Body Council. I am very excited about how the comics are running, but at the same time it is harder to find a balance for the series, and I hope that while these new ideas will benefit the comics, I never lose the feel of the originals.

Anyway, more comics from season 4 can be expected this coming Saturday. See you then!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Meet Shannon and Sarah - Season 4 premiere!

Character Birthday - Bailey

Today is the birthday of one of my friends who inspired one of the comic characters. Bailey Freemire has always been a big supporter of the comics and was also a huge supporter of the movie version we did. Her character has been around since comic #1 and has stayed in the series throughout its entire run. Happy Birthday, Bailey!

Monday, February 6, 2012

More future plans for the future

I had previously said the next thing after the 2011 would be the Harry Potter and the Wait for July 2009 series, but I have changed my mind and have decided to upload the 2012 comics. This will start on this Saturday.