Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sam's Comics T-Shirts!

These aren't real, but it would be sooooooooooooo awesome if they were...
Sam's Shirt

Nick's Shirt

Frank "Dead" shirt

Shannon "Right and Wrong" shirt

Gabri "Gingers" shirt

Sam "Good at Being Bad at Things" shirt

"Friendship Pile" shirt

Ryan's Shirt (Season IV)

Ryan's Shirt (seasons 2-3)

Kenzie's Shirt

Bailey's Shirt

Molly's Shirt

Friday, April 20, 2012

Season IV update

So, like I said in my post a few minutes ago, I am going away this weekend. Last night, however, I stopped and counted how many comics I have written so far for Season IV, and the count is 100! (138, if you count "The Origins", which I did separate because they are a series in themselves). The comics are still going very strong, and I just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who reads and supports the series.

so like, thanks and stuff. (:

She's watching your children... not creepy at all.

I'm going away this morning and won't be around Saturday to upload, so you get the new comics a day early. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Character Birthday - Nick

Originally added during the Great 2010 Comeback series, Nick's inclusion in the comics lead to him being written into the movie adaptation in 2011. Due to various circumstances involving actors whose schedules couldn't line up with the filming dates, Nick had to step up and do more scenes than he was originally given, making him a main character rather than a supporting character. He was given a lot more time in the 2012 comics, and is now a comic "regular" character. Happy Birthday, Nick the Great!