Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Character Birthday - Shannon

Originally cast to the movie version as a classmate cameo, casting director Shannon Asprooth was later given the role of Rachel for the film adaptation of the series. Through working with her on the movie as well as being in a school play that she was directing, I got to know Shannon pretty well. By the end of the school year, I decided that when I started the series back up after the movie, Shannon would be added. She has become a huge fan of the series since her addition, and has given me several great comic ideas. Happy Birthday, Shannon!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Character Birthday - Rachel

Although she has been around since 2008 (season 2) in the comics, Rachel only showed up very infrequently and was never a developed character. Only having two appearances in the 2010 comics (season 3) with no spoken lines, Rachel was almost dropped from the series because she added nothing to it. I did not want to drop her because I wanted to keep her brother Ryan, and so Rachel was written into the movie script, even though she still didn't do much there either. When Shannon Asprooth was cast to fill in for Rachel White (who unfortunately couldn't commit to the schedule) Rachel had to be given a new characteristic to give her some importance to the story, so it was decided that she was super smart and in the same grade as her older brother. This trait was one of the few things that carried over from the movie into the 2012 comics, which gave Rachel her much needed break. Happy Birthday, Rachel!