Friday, February 22, 2013

Season Six Premiere Confirmed!

It has officially been announced on the Facebook Page that Season Six will premiere on Saturday, March 2nd!

However, there are a few things I have to announce regarding the upcoming season:

Firstly, installments will be uploaded every other week, instead of every week like the past two seasons.

Secondly, there will be the occasional Special Comics that will be uploaded IN COLOR!!! You've already had an example of this a few weeks ago with the Super Bowl comic. At least once a month, there will be a special comic done in color.

I look forward to starting this season with you, and hope you will enjoy!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How we've grown...

There are only four "core" characters in the series, and three of them have been around since Season 1 in 2006. This picture shows the development from season to season of Sam, Bailey, Kenzie, and Ryan.

Monday, February 4, 2013