Thursday, May 30, 2013


Don't ask. I don't know. It was one of those times when I picked up a pencil and had no idea where I was going with it. But... I used this weird picture to test a new shading technique. It needs a bit of work, but I might be onto something.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Live Long and Prosper

Frank as Spock, Carl as Bones, Elino as Kirk, Ryan as Scotty, Sam as Sulu, Shannon as Uhura, and Nick as Chekov
The next Artwork Portrait is an oldie, but still pretty dang kick-awesome: Star Trek!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday Game, AVENGERS Style

There's been a game floating around on the internet for a while called "The Birthday Game", where each day of the month is a situation and the month of the year is a character from movie or just a celebrity. Well, I found an Avengers themed one and decided to have some fun with it. Keep in mind though, for privacy reasons, none of the birthdays are the real birthdays of the people who inspired the comics. The birthdays here are ones that I made up previously and can be found in the trivia section.

sorry that it's blurry.