Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Season IV ending

This Saturday will see the end of season IV of the comics. Season 5 has begun development for September or October later this year. I personally would like to thank everyone who has supported/ enjoyed this season of the comics. Season IV has been the most successful season yet, and has seen the addition of six new regular characters, many new ideas and locations, and some overall great laughs. My personal favorite set from this season was when Gabri won the lotto and Jarvis's introduction. I also want to send out two specific shout outs to two people who raked in the most amount of laughs and ideas for me as a writer. Those two people are... (drum roll please) Shannon Asprooth and Sarah Kusz. Both of these girls provided me with most of the ideas from this season (even if they didn't know they were insiring me) and became two solid characters in the series more easily than most. You will for sure be seeing them next season.

That brings me to a more sober note. A major difficulty I had this season was keeping up with all the characters. Season 5 will most likely see some beloved characters leaving the series. Who is leaving has not yet been decided, but only a handful are considered "safe" right now, including Sam, Bailey, Ryan, Shannon, Frank, Sarah, and Carl (who I have plans for in future comics). This is where I would like some feedback. Which characters would you most like to see return? Here's a list of them:

Jarvis (totally dependent on if Gabri returns or not)

1 comment:

  1. I think jarvis should stay. Even if I don't. Sam could inherit jarvis!
