Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Comicifying my favorite movie's poster!

My all-time favorite movie is the 1981 blockbuster Raiders of the Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, and Paul Freeman. (And yes, I am one of the few who didn't think Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was as bad as most people say it is. Granted it's not the best by a long shot, but they didn't kill Indy...)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Like Sam's Comics on Facebook!

There is now an official Facebook page for the series! I'm not entirely sure if I will actually upload the comics themselves to it, but I am thinking I will be uploading cool behind-the-scenes things there, such as: my own views on drawing or situations, character development, issues I may have, jokes I gravitate to, etc. I might also post things like early design sketches and other cool stuff.

This blog will be more for the actual comics themselves and other drawings. Updates for the series will be posted on both. The FB page will also notify readers when the blog updates.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Season 5: Final Promo before Premiere!

Ryan, Sam, Bailey, Kenzie, and Molly
Nick, Rachel, Jen, Connor, Erica, and Carl
Shannon, Frank, Sarah, and Gabri

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

FACT: I like The Office.

My latest sketch of a beloved television/movie character. Today is Dwight Schrute.

It's really sad that I uploaded this picture this morning, and a few hours later, NBC announced that they are ending The Office after season 9... :(

Monday, August 13, 2012

Season 5: another update

Update for Season 5! So far, the season is looking good. At first, I was a little concerned because ideas weren't flowing like they were for me in seasons 1, 2, and IV. I was beginning to think that Season 5 would end up short-lived like Season 3, which lasted five months and only produced twenty-five comics (an all-time low).

Things have changed, however. They may have come later than I had hoped, but I've finally got new great ideas and I'm finally excited. Obviously, since the comics don't come out until next month, I won't go into details, but just know that I'm excited, and when I'm excited, you're gonna laugh. :)

I am adding two semi-regular characters. The first one will appear right away in the season, but the second one won't be appearing until later on. I gave you a clue in my last post as to who the second character is, and my clue for the second one is this: I have plans for both her and Gabri. I'm also working on expanding certain characters who I haven't spent as much time on, giving them more purpose in the series.

One last thing: Season 2 had two mini-series at the end, and Season IV had the mini-series part way through, but Season 5 will start with the mini-series. This was not my initial plan, but the mini-series is turning out so well that I bumped it up on the cue. For the first time as well, these comics are going to be interactional. Readers will be given a choice at the end, and the choice that receives the most number of votes will effect the outcome of the mini-series.

Personally, I can't wait for September to start uploading! Thanks for all your support through Season IV, it was overwhelmingly appreciated and made ending the season a hard decision!

See you September,
Sam Shenberger

Monday, August 6, 2012

Season 5 Update - New Sketches and a teaser!

Ryan, Sam, Kenzie, Bailey, and Molly, new character sketches for Season 5.
I announced that I won't be dropping any Season IV characters for Season 5, and that a trade-off is that I won't be adding any new characters... yeah. I changed my mind. No new regular characters but I'm gonna add one or two "secondary" characters who only appear periodically. Who are they???? Well, you'll just have to wait and see, but I will say this: One of them, while never actually seen in a comic herself, was part of the series for a short time. She was considered for Season IV, and was sketched, but never made it. Her moment to shine will be coming.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


A Poll has been opened on this blog on the right side tab! This is a way for me to see who the readers like the most. It will be open until Christmas Eve, and the winner will get something special, so be sure to vote for your favorite!