Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Birthday Child - Sarah

In 2012, I went back to the comics thinking only to add three characters. I knew for sure that Shannon and Frank were two, and the other one had to be Carl, but the character I wanted to add the most was Sarah. She had such a unique personality, and I knew I could have a whole lot of laughs using her. In the end, I added her anyway, and I'm glad I did. She has become one of my favorites in the series now. Happy Birthday, Sarah, and a Merry Christmas tomorrow! (:

Friday, December 21, 2012

Cross-Movie references in "Sam's Comics: The Movie"

A detailed list of all the cross-movie references to films I and/or Carl made in "Sam's Comics: The Movie"
  • The house used as the Freebergs' house had previously been used in all of my "Holiday Greeting" films from 2009-2011. It was also used for "Rain" (2010) and "A Day In The Life" (2010).
  • Sam's drawing studio has been used in several CCP videos, including every "Chronicles of the Chronicler" video, as well as in "A Day in the Life" (2010), and "Holiday Greeting 2011".
  • Keeping with a tradition established in the 2010 video "Bootcamp Training", this movie has several Beatles related moments/ references. When first writing the script, the feel of some parts of the story as written (not perhaps as in the final film) were inspired by songs by former Beatles member George Harrison, namely "Just for Today", "Any Road", and "Wah Wah". There are still several Beatles references that made it into the final film and can be seen in this video:
  • Sam wears a few outfits that appear in other CCP movies. Most noticeable is the outfit from "Mafia Wars" (2009) (the plain red shirt with the grey jacket), and his outfit from the last scene of "Service Project" (tie-dye shirt and khaki shorts) (2007).
  • Jaller from the "Chronicles of the Chronicler" series is seen standing on Sam's computer monitor.
  • Nick wears the same hat that the Sargent wore in "Bootcamp Training" (2010).
  • Ryan's character (played by Travis Cooper) has several similarities to the character he played in "Cerea" (2011), and has a line that originated from that film. ("She's a human being just like you, what are you afraid of?")
  • Bailey Freemire, Mackenzie Freemire, Molly Freemire and I all appeared in "Service Project" together.
  • Carl Mohr, Travis Cooper, Shannon Asprooth, and Sarah Kusz all appeared in "Cerea" together. I also worked on the movie as casting director and as a stand-in cinematographer.
  • Carl Mohr, Antonio Clinton, Shannon Asprooth and I all worked on the video "Thaw" (2011), but Shannon and I worked on separate days.
  • Shannon Asprooth, Carl Mohr, Antonio Clinton and I starred in a Home Run Inn Pizza commercial together.
  • Carl Mohr, Shannon Asprooth, Antonio Clinton, and I starred in promotional videos for the Mchenry County College Student Senate together.
  • Gaffer Robb Chase was working on production for his own film "Killer Conscience" (2012) while helping Carl and I as we desperately tried to save this film. Later, both of us helped in several ways on "Killer", serving as cinematographers and having cameos at the end as the detective (me) and the cop (Carl).
  • The woods scene was filmed in the same location where Carl Mohr filmed "Backwoods" and "Thaw". The tree that Sam sits down and leans against can be seen in "Thaw", which incidentally is seen in the only shot in "Thaw" that I am in.
  • The location used as the Old Abandoned Storehouses in this film was the same location Carl Mohr shot most of his video "Fischer". None of the same interiors were used, even though Sam originally wanted to shoot in the first building Fischer enters.
  • This one did not actually make it into the film, but an alternate main title sequence was shot and featured two references to "Service Project": The cinematography was virtually the same as the main titles from "Service Project", and a Baymont hotel passes by in the distance (the characters in "Service Project" stay at a Baymont hotel.)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Season 5 ending

Currently, I am 136 comics into Season 5 and I have decided to end this season around comic 150 in. I still have a way to go before I finish writing to reach up to 150ish, and it will be a bit little longer before it actually ends on the blog/my Facebook. I now have two questions I'd like to ask you the readers:

First question: How do you think I should end Season 5? Last season's ending was suggested by my friends and fellow comic characters Shannon and Frank, and I'm really open to any ideas. Even as I'm typing this blog post, another friend and fellow comic character Gabri has suggested that I end it "happily". I certainly can do this, but I want to hear more ideas. I can combine ideas too.

Here's my second question to you: What would you like to see in Season 6? I have no plans at all for it, I only just decided to end Season 5 today. I would love some feedback on this. The only thing I won't accept is adding characters. Currently, I have twenty regularly appearing characters, and it's REALLY hard to keep up with all of them. This season, I've found a better balance, but I still have trouble with it.

I don't know when Season 6 will begin quite yet or exactly Season 5 will end, but until then, thanks to everyone for all their support, and I'll see you next time.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sam's Comics: WITHOUT SAM

Coming January 2013:

When Sam takes time off from the series, strange and terrible things begin happening....