Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday Oddities - Artwork Portraits that didn't make it

I don't always put up all the artwork portraits I make. But when I do, I prefer to use the good ones.

Bad memes aside, I make more artwork portraits than what goes up on the blog or on Facebook. Here are a few "rejected" portraits that weren't used for one reason or another.

First off, here is a Season 1 teaser. The reason it says "We're Back" at the top refers to the fact that I took a break during Season 1 around the end of 2006/early 2007. It also has the original series name (that only lasted for that season).
Next, this is an artwork for the Season 2 subset "Christmas Countdown". This one wasn't used in favor of another one that depicted Sam and Santa.
I don't have any for Season 3, as there was only one made for that season and it was used. I do however have a few unused artworks from Season IV. The first one was definitely made before the season began, as it features the Season 3 Joel design. The second one shows an abandoned storyline where Sam, Ryan, and Nick receive a visit from their future selves (I just couldn't make that one funny enough for myself, let alone anyone else). Finally, an unused artwork for the subset "The Origins", which feature several different designs than the ones that ended up appearing in the final. Most noticeable are Nick, Frank, and Shannon. Ironically, Rachel is exactly the same as she is in the regular series.
Next, a Season 5 artwork. As Nick's shirt is blank and Ryan doesn't have his goatee yet, this one is also early.
Finally, here are some Season Six ones. The first one was an accident. I literally spelled Comics wrong. Instead of throwing it away and redoing it, I made a joke out of it. This one nearly made it, but was dropped in favor of the one that showed every character with their colored backgrounds. The second was one that I started but realized I had undertaken a drawing too complicated to spoof. I'm talking the Sgt. Pepper album cover. I stopped it before it was finished.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Oddities - Other Things I've Drawn

I don't just draw comics. I doodle all the time, things from Star Wars characters, to Harry Potter, to Grumpy Cat... there are a lot. Here are just a few. There was one other Pirates of the Caribbean drawing even better than this one that I wanted to include here, but I can't find it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday Oddities - Just Some Cool Misc Stuff

Tuesday Oddities are all about the oddness of some of these drawings that I don't normally put out. That being said, here are some more cool miscellaneous drawings for the series that I've come across.

First up, here is a random drawing, circa Season 1 of the four lead characters. Of these four, only Sam and Bailey survived "the purge" of Season 2, in which Jessica only appeared once. This drawing appears to have been done later on in Season 1, since Sam's hair design has gotten slightly longer than it was earlier in said season.
 The following set of drawings were done specifically for Instagram, and have never been shown elsewhere. They all feature comic characters as the characters they portrayed in the "Avengers" artwork portrait. Carl's "Captain America" one turned out so good that it made me wish I had done it in pen so it could be colored (doing a colored version of a pencil drawing with my limited resources is difficult and almost not worth it).

 Next on the list is a pencil sketch of the "Minecraft" artwork portrait. I had the idea initially and couldn't find a pen, so I sketched it in pencil to redo later in pen.
 The next picture I have is a very different one. I can't quite remember what it is supposed to be, but it has more details put into it and both Sam and Gabri wearing different clothes. This picture more closely resembles the concept artwork for "Sam's Comics: The Movie", but it can't be from those, as Molly's design is clearly from her Season IV appearance and Gabri was not yet added into the series (nor had I even met her in real life at the time I made the concept art for the film). I honestly have no clue when or why I made this. I have no memory of it.
 Finally, here is a map that I made. I've done a few variations of this map from Season IV onward, but this one is the most recent and hasn't changed since the end of Season 5. It takes into account locations from Sam's Comics: The Movie, Sam's Comics: The Origins, the Camp Awesome subset, and other places featured in the series, showing that Sam and Bailey live on opposite ends of the park (shown in The Movie and referenced in The Origins), The Old Abandoned Storehouses (The Movie), The Forest (The Origins), The Camp (Camp Awesome) and that Gabri and Frank live outside the town, making them "Outsiders" (The Origins). There are a few other niceties thrown in, including Three Mountain Heights (misspelled I know), which is implied to be what Sam's T-shirt currently depicts.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday Oddities - Original Pencil Sketches

sketches are how every character design start out. Design conflicts have kept certain characters in the series back from being introduced earlier, and I never include a character unless I'm happy with the way they look. Today for Tuesday Oddities, I have for you a series of original pencil sketches of various characters.

First off are some Season 3 designs. Season 3 was a turning point, as pretty much every character in the series had an update to their look from the previous seasons. Sam's look in particular is important, as this design has remained the same ever since (give or take a few smaller tweaks). Megan and Joel, as new characters, were done in pencil first to see if I liked the way they looked. Nick was also done this way, but unfortunately I seem to have misplaced Nick's original pencil sketch.
Next for you, I have a Season 5 redesigns of Sam and Shannon. Neither of these designs actually caught on, and both characters retained their Season IV looks (and still do).
Finally for today, we have some Season Six sketches. Several characters were redesigned in this season, and as per usual, Kenzie's look was updated. Her redesign started before Season 5 had ended, and was still in question up until Season Six began. Her initial redesign was drastically different from any previous Kenzie design, as it changed her outfit completely by giving her a new striped shirt and jacket and removing her "Amer-Ican" logo. In the end, I decided the old logo itself was a part of Kenzie's character, and added the legend back onto her new shirt. Her hair design was changed last second. An alternate version of Kenzie was drafted, but never used that had Kenzie dressed as a "Hipster".
Kenzie wasn't the only one who was redesigned. Bailey, Molly, Elino, and Gabri all were redone. Molly and Elino's changes were simply to the lengths of their hair, so they didn't get new sketches. Bailey's sketch, similar to Kenzie's, gave her a new outfit including a jacket. One sketch had her with a scarf instead of her necklace, but in the picture below, I decided against the scarf and X'd it out. Her hair was an updated version of the Season 5 ponytail, which was an update of her Season 2 design. Gabri was given a new sleeveless shirt, sunglasses, and longer hair. In the earliest colored pictures for Season Six, Gabri's new shirt was colored blue, but in every subsequent appearance, it was back to grey.