Friday, January 31, 2014

NEW VIDEO - Sam's Comics: Behind the Comic Relief - Documentary

My two biggest hobbies have always been drawing and video making, so when I can combine the two, I'm always happy. That's exactly what I did this past week while I was on break in between semesters at Flashpoint. I've been working hard on a new season of Sam's Comics, and when I decided that this upcoming season would be the last one, I knew I wanted to do something special for it. On Sunday afternoon, I came up with the idea of making a documentary about the series. This is something I've never actually done, not even when I did the behind the scenes videos for Sam's Comics: The Movie, which I had just recently re-released. From Sunday night to early Friday morning, I've been working on it and it's finally done. My tribute to a series that's lasted eight years, seven seasons, and one feature film.

Okay, I'm getting really annoyed by how this whole Google-combining-with-YouTube-and-Blogger thing doesn't actually make my life any easier, because I used to be able to link videos from my YouTube channel directly into my blog posts, but now when I go to do that, it tells me no videos are found. When I try the search option, it won't find my videos, so I just have to again, give you the URL and you'll have to follow the link the old fashioned way:

Monday, January 27, 2014

NEWS - Updated Season 7 Poster and Upcoming Documentary!

First things first! That last poster I uploaded? I battled my 10+ year old PC today (for the first time in months) just so I could use my old shading techniques and enhance the final season's cover photo. I spent all dang day on it, so you BETTER like it. hahaha.

Release dates for Season 7 have not been confirmed yet, so stay turned for that!
top, right to left: Morgan, Alex, Joey, Zach, Sam, Amelia, Jani, Monica, Robin. Bottom: Caroline, Gabri, Nick, Molly, Kenzie, Ryan, Rachel, Frank, Sarah, Shannon, Bailey
Since this will be the final season, I've decided to take another step. Ever since yesterday afternoon, I've been working on a special documentary about the series. I've shot a good portion of it already and have been editing it on and off today (namely when I needed a break from battling the PC). It's turning out great so far and I can't wait to finish it and share it with you all!

I am kinda sad that the series is ending, and I'll be honest I still haven't decided on the final outcome, but I'm feeling good about the direction it's taking. This is an opportunity for the comics to explore places I've never written before, dealing with concepts that everyone faces in their lives, and much more. It will make you smile, it might make you cry, and it will definitely make you laugh, so here's to the final season of Sam's Comics.